October 26, 2012

"Hats, Teeth and Other Misc. Stuff"

I'm in the middle. It's been two weeks since my second round of chemo and it is just  less than two weeks until chemo number three. These are supposed to be my "good days." They are, from a chemo standpoint. However, my mouth has betrayed me. The pain from having my tooth pulled at the oral surgeon's last week is lingering. Way. Too. Long. I don't know what is taking it so long to heal, but a hurting mouth makes everything a little less fun.

I also don't know what to do about my hair. What's left of it, that is. I'm in mandatory hat mode. Without the hat, I look a dog with the mange. I've lost 75 to 80% of my hair. I'm just guessing. I know that God knows the number of every hair on my head. That must be an easier job for him now. For now, I need more hats I guess. My Mom bought me a cute one and my Aunt surprised me by sending me a hat made just for me! It was a nice surprise!

I'm also very appreciative of those who have made food for us. It has made life much easier! Thank you to Kristin Steelman for the three frozen, homemade meals! They didn't spend much time in my freezer! Thanks to my Mom for leaving some chili in the freezer! Thanks to Val for always surprising us with dinner! Thanks to my cousin Joni for the Applebee's gift card (we recently enjoyed some 'car side to go')! Love you all!

October 19, 2012

"Magic Day 9"

It happened last time and now it has happened again. I'm talking about magic day number nine. Chemo is day one and from that point on the muscle aches and pains, queasy tummy, no appetite, headaches, other stomach issues, low energy and tiredness take hold. Then, on day number nine it stops! That's twice now that day nine has been the first "good day" after chemo. I'm sensing a pattern!

The only thing that marred happy day number nine was my tooth. Yes, my stupid tooth. I have spent hours with the dentist during the past few weeks after a throbbing toothache. On four different occasions, he has worked on a root canal and has been unsuccessful in finishing it. The reasons are complicated (I barely understood what he was saying the problem was). After these visits, he popped a temp filling in and said "let's just wait a month and see how it goes."

It didn't go well. I woke up with the horrible toothache again. This time, he sent me to the oral surgeon. I just went there and had my back, right upper molar yanked. Currently, that has not helped the toothache! I am hopeful that it will heal soon and I can start enjoying my "good" post-chemo days until it is time for another round. In the meantime, I am thankful for pain meds!

October 12, 2012

"Chemo #2...feeling like poo!"

I know, that's not a very nice title. But, I'm not feeling very nice today. I had my second round of chemo on Wednesday.

I feel like I'm getting the flu (or about to get to the end of it). My body aches and I feel queasy. I don't have much hair left, but I don't even care about that right now. Okay, I'm done whining now. Onto the good news. My Mom and Dad are here and that means no cooking, cleaning, laundry or baby care to worry about while I'm feeling crummy. They leave on Sunday, but hopefully I will feel better by then.

Kaylee's 10th birthday was yesterday and we took her out to eat. I did okay. Tonight, we have her birthday party at "Going Bonkers." That just might make me go bonkers! Good thing we are taking two cars because I may have to make an early exit!

October 5, 2012


I have a new ailment. I call it tenderitisfullbrush. The books, the nurses, the doctors and the breast cancer survivors all told me the same thing, that when the hair starts to go the head will be tender and maybe itchy. They were right. My head is tender and my brush is full.

I am now apparently in competition with my cat to see which one of us can shed the most. I am winning, by a wide margin! I brushed my hair several times after my shower yesterday and had to keep pulling the hair out of the brush. From this nice pile of my former hair, I fashioned a lovely toupee for my receding hairline husband. Sadly, he was not appreciative.

My hair is thick, so I still look like I have normal hair. I can tell that it is thinner, but I doubt anyone else can. But, it looks like I'm on my way to putting that Styrofoam head that has been hiding in my closet out on my dresser!

October 1, 2012

"All Awash in Pink"

It's October. To my daughter, that means her birthday and trick-or treating. To just about everyone else who steps foot in a store, it means a sea of pink items from kitchen gadgets and notepads to clothing and office supplies!

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is here in full force. I've always noticed it and I like pink anyway (any time of year). But, I haven't felt the need to trade in my white kitchen measuring cups for pink ones to help me think about breast cancer.

There is, however, one pink product that I love! It is useful, it is beautiful and I know that it is made with love! It is my pink and chrome pen from Marksmanship Pens!

I know it is useful because I use it all the time! Obviously, it is beautiful! I know it is well-made because the master craftsman behind Marksmanship Pens is a perfectionist! I should know! He's my Dad! So, if you want something pink this month for a fighter or a survivor, this is my recommendation because it is close to my heart!