August 30, 2012

"Snail Mail Support"

In the age of e-mail, text messages and quickie Facebook posts, I have come to appreciate the age-old form of communication. While, electronic messages are nice too, it is amazing the uplifting feeling you get when you open the mailbox and find that someone thought of you. A snail mail card means that someone thought of you, picked out a card, hunted down your address and spent good money on a stamp! Hey, that's hard to come by these days!

I have many people to thank for snail mail encouragement! Some are repeat offenders (you know who you are)! Some are people I haven't heard from in years and some are people I do not even know. I just received a small package the other day from a women who doesn't know me and I do not know her. She sent an uplifting card and a devotional book called "Praying Through Cancer." It is a book she said helped her in her own journey with breast cancer. I found out she attends church with my Grandparents in Oklahoma.

I got another thick envelope in the mail with a very encouraging note from another breast cancer survivor. I don't know her either, but she knows many of my family members who live in Oregon and she says she feels like she knows me. We are now Facebook friends. She sent me this necklace:
I thank everyone for every form of support that has been sent my way. You may never know how much it helps and how much it means to me! Prayers have already been answered along this journey. I know prayers are powerful and I thank everyone who puts me and my family in theirs.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I love your site but hate what you are going through:( I have an author that has written a book called 'Breast Cancer! You're Kidding...Right?' and wanted to see if you wanted to review it. If you email me at tgleichner(at) I can give you more info. I thought it might help you with what you are going through. Take care and wear that necklace with pride - thoughts and prayers to you and your family!

