Sorry, my dance card is full! There is no more room for dancing with the Red Devil! I know we may have done a waltz, a jig or even a line dance (I know we did not tango)! However, despite hooking up with the Red Devil six times, literally (via IV that is), there will be no more trips to the ballroom with this nasty guy!
That is something to for which to be thankful! Yesterday, I had my sixth chemo treatment which consists of adriamycin (a.k.a. "The Red Devil") and Cytoxan. I'm finally done with something! I have four more chemo treatments to go. Instead of the previous cocktail, my next treatments will be a chemotherapy drug called Taxol. I have no idea how this one will make me feel, but I'm hoping not as bad as the previous drug combo!
The A/C combo knocked me down pretty hard after our last meeting, Honestly, not a really nice thing to do to your dance partner! I didn't really want to go back yesterday for the final installment, but a commitment is a commitment after all. Sigh.
Good for you to keep that dance date. Each one means that you are closer to the finish. Wishing you well!