Two days after I saw my primary care physician, I found myself parking my car in front of a building that featured large letters spelling out "cancer center." Is that some kind of scare tactic? Must have been a major design flaw because I was here for a simple mammogram and was much more worried about squishing and flattening than cancer. The diagnostic mammogram was a snap. I was shocked! All that complaining I'd heard from other women about the pressing and pushing and squishing and squashing didn't amount to a thing! I was so relieved. I was then told the radiologist wanted an ultrasound. Well, having just given birth 10 months ago, I was intimately familiar with ultrasounds! This wasn't going to be a bad visit at all!
Until...(you knew this was too easy)...the radiologist herself came into the room and told me and my husband that we needed to schedule a biopsy. A biopsy!!! Wait, are we ruling out a cyst? She didn't exactly answer and I didn't take that as a good sign. Plus, doesn't a biopsy involve a large needle? Needles and I do not exactly get along. In fact, we have a long history of a less than stellar relationship. But, as I am finding out, this was just one bump in a long road ahead.
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