Deja Vu (or maybe the Twilight zone)! I arrived for breast biopsy number two (same song, different breast)! The same nice nurse leads me into the same dimly lit room. She remembers me and tells me that I know the drill. Only this time, it is a different radiologist, and apparently the rest of his family! Okay, not really. But, it looked like I was going to have an audience.
This guy took a lot longer than the first person. It seemed to be going on forever in my mind and right when I thought we were just about done he informs me that I should be good and "numbed up" now. What? I'm just now numb, we haven't even done this thing yet? Geez! As the real show starts, the audience starts filtering in (being fashionably late I guess). As each person enters the little room, nice nurse #1 introduces them to me..."This is Dr. so and so." and "now we have Dr. such and such." This is the downside to being in a University hospital (lots of eyeballs on you)!
It's finally done, I'm taped, wrapped and ready to go when the nice nurse goes over the post-biopsy instructions one last time. Suddenly, I'm very interested in what she is saying! Can you repeat that last part? Sure, she says she will even highlight it for me! She takes me back to the waiting room where my husband has been reading dogeared magazines (I guess). She hands him the sheet of instructions and points out that highlighted portion. For 48 hours: no lifting, pulling, pushing, exercise, COOKING, WASHING DISHES, any activity using arm movements! Did you catch that? Sometimes, there IS a silver lining!
Jennifer, thank you for sharing. I love your humor. I feel God has his humor button pushed in just for you. My prayers are with you. In Christ.