July 18, 2012

"The Diseased Family Tree"

Between tests and doctor visits, I was sent to genetic counseling. The first thing she did was whip out some paper and start drawing a family tree, except it turned out to be a big diseased family tree! Someone call an arborist, we have an emergency! I've never known so much about the ailments of those who came before me! 

We talked about my early onset of cancer and that my maternal aunt also had breast cancer when she was close to my age. So, I took a genetic test to see this could be hereditary. If so, it could make a difference in the surgical approach. It also would mean that I would be at a much higher risk for ovarian cancer down the road or even a second breast cancer.

A bit of good news, the test came back negative which means a mutation in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes was not found! Finally, a good phone call from the cancer center!


  1. jennifer... I am waiting for my Braca test results. I did have the brevagen test, and my results were 26.34.... the high range is 20-25.... so many thoughts have been reacing through my mind, and I made it a point to read your blog from the beginging, and each entry to date....I am scared, and I hope reading your blogs, can answer some questions, and makes me feel not alone. I am so sorry the horrible word came to visit. But you are a tuff cookie, I know you will be fine!
    Amy Brown

  2. Amy - The one thing I've learned and learned quickly is that you are never alone! There are many branches of support to be found. The days are good and sometimes bad, but with or without cancer that is what life is like. You'll be fine too!
