September 19, 2013

Summer Camp For Grown Ups!

Today, I am missing about 50 ladies and one man. I recently returned from Camp Mak-A-Dream's Women's Cancer Retreat in Gold Creek, Montana. I don't have room for all the adjectives needed to describe the experience, the setting, and the women!

Montana sunrise!
Oh, about that man, I miss him at least three times day. He's the chief cook and bottle washer at the camp, and he is good at his job! It was an indulgent experience to simply show up at the main lodge and have a steaming breakfast, lunch, and dinner awaiting with the bonus of no dishes to wash!

Camp Mak-A-Dream Main Lodge

I met a young lady whose friend discouraged her from attending by asking why she would want spend time sitting around with a bunch of depressed women talking about cancer. The camp experience was in actuality bursting from the other end of the spectrum! A diverse group of women - from twenty-somethings to that age range where it is impolite to ask for a number - came together and didn't do much sitting around!
Unless we were sitting around in this hot tub!

Some women had conquered cancer years ago, others were fresh from the fight, and a few were still in the throes of the battle. However, this group was so overflowing with life and laughter that one would never guess. They were open to everyone emotionally and willing to take on just about anything physically. Wheelchairs and canes were cast aside as women old enough to be my grandmother joined everyone else in the big tree house to sail down the zip line! There were hikes, a climbing wall, and an art studio to keep us busy. There were educational sessions on everything from healing after cancer to gentle yoga. Above all, there was a spirit of connection with a lovely group of ladies and breathtaking scenery punctuated by the distant bugling of elk.

Montana sunset!