March 8, 2013

That Normal Time

I am enjoying that time period that hangs between chemo treatments where I feel normal. I have recovered from the side effects and a retch-inducing stomach virus I picked up when my counts were low. The downside to this period of time is that it means the next treatment is just around the bend. Usually time flies, but this whole process feels like it is dragging its feet like a grade schooler on his way to the principal's office.

My most recent chemo was my first of the drug Taxol. I felt different than I had before. I was told that this drug comes with side effects that include muscle and joint pain. My oncologist told me to take something for this and call if over-the-counter drugs were not "cutting the mustard." So, a few days after chemo, I called! My whole body hurt, especially my back and ankles. Pain pills helped and it slowly went away after about a week.

The peripheral neuropathy hung around. That is numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. I still have that and am not sure if it has improved somewhat or I'm just getting used to it! I bought some new tennis shoes recently, but have no idea if they are comfortable!

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