July 16, 2012

"The Sweet Sounds of the MRI"

MRI technicians would not make very good DJ's. I'm in the tube, face down, enjoying a good pop song being piped in through the hospital headphones when BANG, CLANG, BOOM! Is the idea to scare the cancer out of you? These noises just might do the trick! I'm all for whatever works!

Seriously, I was concerned when I arrived about claustrophobia. So many people seem to be worried about that, so why shouldn't I be? I found that because you are face down, this is not an issue. It is just like being on a massage table only without the awesome massage part, you get music and abrupt banging noises instead. It's like Oscar the Grouch rummaging around in his trash can with 30 of his closest grouchy friends.

Honestly, my least favorite part was getting the IV (I have previously mentioned my unhappiness with the pokey sticks). Oh, and when they start giving you the dye during the MRI it doesn't hurt, but feels really cold and weird (I imagine it was the same way spiderman felt when he got bit, but that is just a guess on my part)!


  1. Wishing you well with the journey ahead. Have been there myself and know the medley of experiences and emotions that a breast cancer diagnosis brings, especially when you are so young. Sending prayers your way.

  2. Thank you so much! It is great to hear from people who have come out on the other side!

  3. Jennifer, Prayers go out for you daily. Just remember how much support you have and how important you are. You are so strong. You will make it through this one day at a time. Hang in there.

  4. Those dang machines are noisy! I had a headache by the time mine was over! :P
